April 16, 2020
CPCA recently sought to have paint and coatings specifically listed on the Federal Government list of essential services established by Public Safety Canada.
The response from Public Safety Canada was as follows:
“In response to the letter from the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, we will add the following bullet that includes reference to paint and coatings:
Please note that the essential service includes activities from production to application, which had already been captured in the list generally, and also captured within the Provinces’ essential list. Given that it was not specifically stated CPCA wanted to ensure that any further reference to the Public Safety Canada essential list was conclusive and not misinterpreted, especially as governments are now considering re-starting the economy in the coming days.
Please note that CPCA has a COVID-19 section on the website listing support programs of the federal and provincial levels of government and links are provided for members to quickly access specific government sites as they are updated regularly.
Should members have specific questions or concerns on any matter please contact CPCA directly to determine if further support can be provided.