At the end of September, Green Seal® announced that it will prohibit any per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Green Seal-certified paints and coatings, floor care products, adhesives, and degreasers, further strengthening Green Seal’s leadership to address these harmful “forever chemicals.”
Because of Green Seal’s stringent criteria, certified paints and coatings qualify toward points for both the LEED Low-Emitting Materials credit and the LEED v4.1 Material Ingredient Optimization credit, making Green Seal’s certification standard one of a select few to achieve this recognition.
In addition to its certification programs, Green Seal has partnered with material-health leader HPDC to become an approved preparer and third-party verifier of Health Product Declarations (HPDs). Whether or not a product is certified, Green Seal can prepare an HPD report for it to increase ingredient transparency while also maintaining critical trade secrets, and to assure that the product counts toward the LEED v4.1 Material Ingredient credit.
Green Seal to Prohibit All PFAS in Certified Paints, Coatings, and Floor Care Products