The world of functional coatings is extremely diverse and is gaining more traction thanks to increasing demand from the industry and end consumers.
First, Dr. Volkmar Stenzel of the Fraunhofer IFAM will give a presentation titled “Functional coatings – Enabling technologies that help achieve our climate goals”. Afterwards, Eugene Caldona (at site) and Rigoberto Castillo Advincula (online) of North Dakota State University will speak about “Nanostructured High Performance Coatings and Materials”.
After the keynotes, one and a half days of networking and top-notch presentations will follow. For instance, Dr. Tobias Meißner of Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden will present on the potential of heat-reflecting exterior wood coatings. Cemre Kocahakimoglu of Akzo Nobel Kemipol will speak about “Corrosion and mechanical test performance comparisons of carbon nanomaterials in organic primers”.