Get the NEWS that matters to you! Communications are a vital part of our service offering, providing our members with timely, accurate and relevant information impacting their business. CPCA regularly publishes several important publications to ensure member organizations are fully informed of ongoing issues and actions impacting the paint and coatings industry in Canada.
Regulatory RADAR: a monthly members-only publication detailing comprehensive legislative and regulatory actions at all levels of government.
Prime Time News: a publicly available monthly newsletter sent to members, important stakeholders and governments to provide a window onto the industry for those with an interest or a role in the sector.
Regular Bulletins, Updates, Memoranda and Press Releases are sent to CPCA members regularly to ensure they are fully informed and can have direct input on actions taken by CPCA’s board, technical committees and staff, making certain the industry is represented when decisions are made.
*All publications marked with an asterix are for members only.