CPCA Supports Tree Canada
Plant a Tree through the National Greening Program
The paint and coatings industry contributes greatly to environmental sustainability in many ways. CPCA’s sustainability policy supports member efforts in that regard and is now supporting Tree Canada in its ongoing efforts to support our ecosystems.
Every year the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses continues to rise causing our earth’s climate to change. This change has far-reaching effects on human health, ecosystems, and our economy.
On behalf of its, membership CPCA has partnered with Tree Canada to help restore damaged ecosystems and forests through the planting of trees. This year 625 trees will be planted throughout Québec in areas that are most in need of reforestation and ecosystem restoration. While growing, these trees will sequester carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Trees also provide many other benefits such as creating habitat, removing pollutants from the air and regulate stormwater. A mature tree can absorb as much as 22 kg per year. It is estimated that over an 80-year lifespan a tree can sequester 200kg of carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.
CPCA invites all our valued member organizations to support our Canadian ecosystems, help restore forest cover and fight climate change through tree planting. Our partnership offers members the opportunity to engage with Tree Canada and support their National Greening Program with tree planting projects across Canada or their Grow Clean Air program for those that want to determine their carbon footprint and offset these emissions with dedicated tree planting projects.