Promotes the benefits, contributions and advantages of the paint and coatings industry, including adhesives and sealants, via extensive networks with focused advocacy and targeted communications
Raises awareness of ground-breaking innovation and sustainability in the paint and coatings industry through representations at industry fora and events, and via international associations such as the International Paint and Printing Ink Council
Supports the circular economy approach for paint stewardship and recycling under PaintCareTM
Delivers evidence-based and reliable information via quality and timely publications, which include quarterly economic and statistical data for members
Supports member compliance with a comprehensive Canada Coatings HUB along with new initiatives like the Economic Impact Study of the Canadian paint and coatings industry
Improves public understanding of the coatings industry through continued research studies in conjunction with independent research centres and academic institutions and supports skills development and training to ensure industry has a skilled workforce over the long term with CPCA's 3-semester Online Coatings Technology Program